D ispo se of the d ish was her packaging m aterial correctly.
All pa ckaging mate rials ca n be recy cled.
Pl asti c pa rts are m arked w ith t he stand ard internat ional a bbrevi ations:
PE fo r pol yethylene, e .g. s heet wrapping m ateria l
PS for polystyrene, e.g. padding material
PO M polyox ymethylene, e.g . pla stic c lips
PP pol ypr opyl ene, e.g. Salt fill er
AB S Acrylo nitri le Butad iene Sty rene, e.g . Contro l Panel .
Packaging material couldbe dangerous for children!
Fo r disposi ng of package a nd th e appliance ple ase go to a r ecycling cen tre. Ther efor e cut
off the power supply cable and make the door closing device unusable.
Cardboard packaging is manufactured from recycled paper and shouldbe dispos edin the
w aste pap er collect ion for r ecycling .
By en suring th is pr odu ct is disp ose d of corr ectly, you wil l hel p prevent potent ial negat ive
con seque nces for the e nvi ronm ent and human h eal th, which could ot herw ise be c aused
by inappropriate waste handling of this product.
Fo r mor e deta iled infor mation a bout rec ycling o f this prod uct , ple ase con tact your loca l
ci ty office and your hou seho ld w ast e dispos al servic e.
DISPOSAL : Do no t dispose th is pr oduct as unsorte d municip al waste. Collection of such
waste separ ately for spec ial tr eatment i s n ecessary.