2.3 Safety First
• The information in this manual is essential for the safe operation and servicing of
VERDERFLEX pumps. This manual must be read and understood in particular all of section
6 for operation in normal and explosive atmospheres, before operating or servicing such
• The employer shall instruct each employee in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe
conditions and the regulations applicable to his work environment to control or eliminate any
hazards or other exposure likely to cause injury
• It is understood that safety rules within individual companies vary. If a conflict exists
between the material contained in this manual and the rules of a using company, the more
stringent rules should take precedence
• This manual should be kept available to operating and maintenance personnel. Additional
copies of this manual may be acquired free of charge from VERDER via your distributor
• Safety suggestions from users will be given the most serious consideration. This is
especially true of advice for minimising problems associated with safety misuse, which cannot
be identified in advance during the production of the pump unit. Comments and
recommendations should be submitted to VERDER via your distributor.
• Throughout this manual these safety instructions are repeated, together with other safety
notes and tips. The relevant information will act as a guideline for you in operating the pump;
alternative courses of action are also described should you be unable for any reason to follow
those procedures initially given for any procedure. You are advised to follow these
guidelines to achieve maximum efficiency
2.4 Pump Safety Features
The VERDERFLEX has a number of in-built features, which have been designed specifically to
ensure your safety during operation and maintenance of the unit:
• Disaster proof design – the casing will contain any spillage preventing leaks and
contamination of product
• Low and high level controls for automatic cut out (optional);
• Lubricant drain ensures that used lubricant drains away fully;
• Use of food grade, top quality VERDERLUBE lubricant;
• Use of taper locks for easy handling, and
• Designed for safe and easy assembly and maintenance
Safety instructions and guidance are divided into operational safety, maintenance safety and
safety advice for assembly, installation and commissioning, with each category having its own
rules and philosophy. This section covers operational functions that are reasonably foreseeable.
Many warnings and admonitions are included in this manual; unfortunately there are too many to
incorporate into “on unit” labels. For this reason it is essential that the manual be treated as part
of the product and made mandatory reading for personnel associated with the product and