• When the inlet port flange is fitted, it may be necessary to inch the drive to rotate the pump in
the forward direction or to slow run the pump to stretch/elongate the hose sufficiently enough
to feed the hose through the outlet flange to be able to fit the sealing ring in the correct
position, or to slow run the pump to stretch/elongate the hose
• It is normal for the hose to be initially under tension, as after approx. 7 days the hose will
• Once the hose is in the correct position, fit the sealing ring and fit the outlet port flange,
repeating the procedure for fitting the inlet port flange and insert
• Check the drain plugs are tightened correctly, then fill the pump housing with the
recommended amount of lubricant - refer to Section 4.7 on ‘Lubrication’: check for any
leakage. (VF10 -15 will need to be filled through filler/ breather tube; for larger pumps it may
be quicker and easier to fill the lubricant through the inspection cover)
• Operate the drive forward for 10 - 20 revolutions to check the hose is securely clamped in the
inlet port flange assembly. It is recommended that a container is placed below the inlet to
catch the lubricant just in case the hose de-couples
• When satisfied, repeat with the drive in reverse for 10 - 20 revolutions to check the hose is
securely clamped in the outlet port flange
• When satisfied, check the pump is shimmed to the required level - refer to the shimming table
in Appendix A or alternatively to the section on ‘Shimming the Rotor shoes - Removal and
Hose storage and shelf life
Shelf life for hoses is approximately two years for NR and NBR hoses, and approximately four
years for EPDM hoses. The hoses should be stored flat in a cool, dark location and should not
come in contact with any ultra-violet lighting, otherwise the product will be aged artificially
4.6.4 Inspection Cover Removal
Isolate power supply:
• Undo inspection cover bolts - take care to support the weight of the inspection cover whilst
removing the bolts
• Remove inspection cover and O Ring; take care when lifting the inspection cover
Inspection Cover Installation
• Clean the inspection cover with a non-scratching cloth
• Check the inspection cover O Ring for damage and replace as required.
• Installation is opposite of removal process with particular attention paid to using the torque
reference in the `Parts List’ to avoid damage and in particular cracking around the bolt holes.
The new inspection window is larger as it incorporates a machined groove to accept an O-ring
seal this design retains the original bolt configuration to enable it to retrofit existing pumps. The
seal sits proud of the surface and seals against the inside and the casing when tightened