Figure 11
• Align the first rule/straight edge against the machined front of the pump housing, then take
the other rule and hold it perpendicular from the outer edge of the rotor (not the shoe) and the
first rule/straight edge (see Figure 11). With the use of a soft-faced hammer, tap the
rotor/bush on to the shaft until it is positioned correctly to give you the required setting
distance (see table on page 26)
• When the taper lock is tightened up it tends to pull the rotor forward, therefore you need to
take this into consideration when setting the distance
• When the correct distance has been achieved insert the Allen bolt back into the fixing position
and tighten the Allen bolts to the correct toque setting
• Re-measure the setting distance to ensure the rotor has not moved in excess during the
tightening of the taper lock bolts
• Lightly grease the O-ring groove on the machined front of the pump housing - not the total
machined face - and place the front cover O-ring in position (the grease is simply to keep the
O-ring in position during assembly)