4.9 Fault Finding
Problem Cause Corrective Action
Abnormally high pump
Non-standard lubricant Consult VERDER distributor to obtain
correct lubricant
Low lubricant level See lubrication chart, add required
Product temperature too high Consult VERDER distributor regarding
maximum temperature
Internal friction on hose caused
by blocked suction or bad
suction characteristics
Check pipe-work/valves for blockages;
check that the suction pipe-work is as
short and as large in diameter as
feasible; consult VERDER distributor
for advice
Over shimming of the pump Check & remove excess shims
High pump speed Reduce speed to a minimum; consult
VERDER distributor for advice on
recommended pump speeds
Low capacity/pressure Suction/discharge valve closed Open suction/discharge valve
Under shimming of the pump Check & add required shims
Hose failure Replace hose
Blocked suction/no product Check suction pipe-work for blockages
and product; remove any product
Poor pump selection Consult VERDER distributor to check
pump selection
Suction line too long, pump
speed too high, suction line bore
too small.
Consult VERDER distributor for advice
Hose failure Consult VERDER distributor for advice
High product viscosity Use vacuum on housing
Pump and pipe-work
Suction/discharge lines not
secured properly
Check and secure suction/discharge
High pump speed, long
suction/discharge lines, high
product specific gravity, or a
combination of them all
Reduce pump speed, shorten
suction/discharge line wherever
possible; consult VERDER distributor
Under-sized suction /discharge
Increase suction/discharge pipe-work
Hose pulled in to pump
Insufficient lubricant in the
Check lubrication chart and add the
required amount of lubrication
Inlet pressure too high Reduce the inlet pressure
Blocked hose Check the hose and remove any
Large particles in the product Mount sieve/filter in suction line to
avoid particles entering the hose