2 Pre-Storage Actions
• The hose should be removed from the pump and the lubricant drained out of the pump
• The pump casing should be washed out and allowed to dry and any external build up of
product removed.
• The gearbox should be drained and re-filled with oil in accordance with the manufacturers
3 Storage Conditions
• Pumps should be stored in a dry environment. Depending on these conditions, it may be
advisable to place a moisture-absorbing product, such as Silica gel, inside the pump’s casing
or to coat the pump’s inner surfaces with moisture-repelling oil, whilst the pump is stored.
• Gearboxes may require intermittent attention (such as periodic rotation) as indicated by the
gearbox manufacturer’s recommendations.
• Hoses should be stored as supplied in their wrapper and should be stored away from direct
sunlight and at room temperature.
• Lubricants should be stored under normal warehouse conditions with their caps securely
• It is recommended that lubricant containers be inverted every month and shaken before use
in pump!
4 Shelf Life
Item Recommended Shelf Life
Pump assembly No shelf life providing pump stored in a dry
Natural Rubber (NR), Nitrile Buna Rubber (NBR)
and Hypalon (CSM) hoses
18 months from date of supply
EPDM hoses 3 years from date of supply
VERDERLUBE Lubricant 1 year from date of supply
VERDERSIL Lubricant 3 years from date of supply
Gearbox and Motor In accordance with manufacturer’s
For further information, please contact your local VERDERFLEX distributor or contact the
VERDERFLEX team directly on verderflex@verder.co.uk