4.9.1 Service / Replacement
Item Related Sub Components Recommended Change
Sealing Rings (Flange sealing
Every 2nd Hose Change
Port Inner Port Flange O Rings Every Hose change
Flanges Outer Port Flange O Rings
Insert Gasket (VF100 & 125
Every Insert Change
Front Cover Front Cover O Ring Every Removal
Inspection window O Ring Every 12 Months
Gearbox Top up / replenish with
OEP Gear oil
Check Every Hose Change & Replace
every 12 months
Drive Gasket Every Gearbox Removal
Lubricant Flush out casing and refill Every 6 Months or hose change,
whichever soonest.
Front Shaft seal Replace if pump has overrun after
hose burst and not protected by a
pressure switch or seal face shows
signs or has been exposed to chemical
attack, otherwise replace every 12
4.9.2 External Checks
Leaks Port Flanges ; Front Cover ; Rear drive ; Inspection Window
Cracks Inspection Window
Security Breather Tube ; VFOCS Hose Burst ; Level sensors & wiring
Running Temperature Check from below centre of front cover surface, this maybe hot, as it is
dependent on pump media/discharge pressure/installation / line
restrictions and ambient temperature etc.
Check Tighten Front Cover / Port Flanges / Mtg. Frame Bolts & Drain plugs. Inner Port
flange ring of bolts (VF100/125 Only)
Pressures Check /ensure discharge pressure is maintained, if not, check for line
blockages / closed valves or hose damage.
Pump Lubricant Check Casing level :
If over-full, check hose for leakage/burst, then drain / replenish.
If Low check for suction line leaks & other abnormal causes of lubricant
loss first, and if none then top up where necessary.
If there is no evidence of noise or lubricant loss, then top up with
recommended OEP oil where necessary.
If the gearbox is running noisily, this may mean the bearings are dry.
Check pump and gearbox lubricant is not escaping through a worn shaft
seal onto the floor via drive flange joints. Check the motor for worn shaft
bearings (this may need removal from the gear-case to run and check it
Ensure rear drive bolts do not turn, if they do then the rotor should be
removed to gain access to the nuts inside to re tighten.
Check security of Terminal Box and associated mains wiring for damage
Lifting eyes check for security and replace if damaged/corroded
NB* Please note it is strongly advised that the recommendations above of regular service
schedules & external checks stated must be carried out to help support the pumps operation and
long life, and to reduce the high cost of major component failure. If there are no customer
maintenance schedules then please contact UK Service/Repair (+44) 113 2220 282 or your local
distributor workshop for service details!