4.6.10 Rotor Shoe Installation (VF25 – VF80)
• Check the rotor shoe contact surfaces for any signs of damage and replace as required.
Any wear or roughened surface will seriously affect the performance of the pump. And also
reduce the life of the hose
• The installation of the rotor shoe is the opposite of the removal procedure
Before considering replacement of damaged shoes, any sharp edges and damage to non contact
areas can be blended out with fine emery / sandpaper
4.6.11 Rotor Removal
• First remove the hose
Isolate power supply
• Remove the front cover
• Secure the rotor with the appropriate lifting equipment and support the weight. Follow
manufacturer’s instructions for safe operation of lifting equipment
• Loosen the two rotor bolts (Allen) from the taper lock bush and remove one of them. Insert
this bolt in to the jacking position and start to turn clock-wise. When the rotor starts freeing
from the taper lock, and the bush’s clamping force on the shaft is released, stop turning the
bolt. This should now allow you to slide the rotor along the drive shaft towards you. If it
does not slide freely then it may be necessary to turn the jacking bolt again
Ensure that the weight of the rotor is being supported at all times during this procedure
• Remove the bush and rotor off the shaft in one piece, and place on a suitable surface
If the bush is difficult to remove from the shaft, prise open the bush once the rotor is released
Take care when removing rotor! As it comes away from the pump shaft, it will tend to swing out
on the lifting equipment, potentially causing serious injury - stand well clear
4.6.12 Rotor Installation
Installation is opposite of removal process but you should refer to Section 4.2 on ‘Assembly’ as a
further guideline
Bearing Housing