7 Handling and Storage
Used lubricant may become contaminated with pumped product, also verify precautions and advice
against relevant product information
7.1 Handling
• Contact with hot product causes burns.
• Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full visor or chemical goggles to
appropriate local national standards.
• Avoid frequent or prolonged skin contact with fresh or used product.
• Wash hands thoroughly after use.
7.2 Storage
• Store under cover away from moisture and sources of ignition. Do not overheat in storage.
8 Exposure Controls / Personal Protection
Used lubricant may become contaminated with pumped product, also verify precautions and advice
against relevant product information
None of the components have assigned exposure limits
8.1 Personal Protection
Hand Protection PVC or Rubber Gloves
• Eye Protection Safety glasses should be worn
• Respiratory Protection Respiratory protection is unnecessary, providing concentration of
vapour, mists or fumes is adequately controlled.
8.2 Occupational Exposure Limits
• Ensure good ventilation.
No known assigned exposure limits
8.3 Additional Information
These precautions are for room temperature handling
Use at elevated temperatures may require additional precautions