
Management Console 63
Converting data files
The Data file conversion tool enables you to convert Toolbox data files to prairieFyre data files. This enables
you to restore all historical data from competitor products when changing your contact center solution to
Contact Center Solutions.
To convert data files
1. In Management Console, click System.
2. Click Data file conversion tool.
The Data file conversion tool opens.
3. Select a media server from the list.
4. Click Browse and specify the location of the data files to be converted.
NOTE: The path must be accessible from the server. We recommend you use a Universal Naming
Convention (UNC) share.
5. Click Next.
The data file conversion will then process.
6. Click Finish to complete the data file conversion.
Converting Callview and Contact Center Suite data
If you were previously using an Inter-Tel telephone system with Contact Center Suite/Callview and Toolbox
software, you can convert historic data to Contact Center Solutions format and create a historical media
server so you can retain data for reporting purposes.
Historical media servers enable
• Historical reporting for queues, agents, and extensions
• Forecasting
• ACD and SMDR Inspector functionality
• Auditor functionality
Inter-Tel summary-based options, such as service level and spectrum values, can be modified in YourSite
Explorer. Summarize is performed on an on-demand basis from Management Console in Contact Center
Client. Historical media servers have no real-time functionality. All devices associated with historical media
servers are historical by default and can not be edited or used to collect any new data.
• In order to convert Callview or Contact Center Suite data to Contact Center Solutions and Call
Accounting format, the Callview and Contact Center Suite database must be Version 3.x or 4.x.
• The conversion tool requires the following files: System.mdw, config.mdb, and one or any combination
of the following: Ha<MMYYYY>.mdb, Hc<MMYYYY>.mdb, Haday.mdb, Hcday.mdb, Hamonth.mdb,
Hcmonth.mdb. For version 4.11 or earlier, select cvgwcfg.mdb instead of config.mdb.
To convert Callview and Contact Center Suite data
1. Click Start=>All Programs=>Mitel=>Inter-Tel Import Tool.
2. After Access Databases, click Browse.
3. Browse to the location of the files to convert.’
The conversion tool requires the following files: System.mdw, config.mdb, and one or any
combination of the following: Ha<MMYYYY>.mdb, Hc<MMYYYY>.mdb, Haday.mdb, Hcday.mdb,
Hamonth.mdb, Hcmonth.mdb. For version 4.11 or earlier, select cvgwcfg.mdb instead of config.mdb.
Click OK.
4. After Start Date, select the start date of the data to import.
5. After End Date, select the end date of the data to import.