
YourSite database configuration 119
Editing telephone system assignment forms
After you run Synchronization for the 3300 ICP in YourSite Explorer, you can edit a subset of contact center
related 3300 ICP System Options, SMDR Options, Class of Service, and Class of Restriction assignment
forms. Any changes made to the telephone system assignment forms in YourSite Explorer are written to the
telephone system when a user clicks Save.
NOTE: You must perform Synchronization for the 3300 ICP before you can edit any telephone system
assignment forms in YourSite Explorer.
Editing System options
Using YourSite Explorer, you can edit the ACD 2000 - Automatically log out last agent on no answer and ACD
Real-time Events Feature Level. YourSite Explorer displays the recommended value for these System
To edit System Options
1. In YourSite Explorer, in the left pane, click YourSite.
2. Under Enterprise, click Media servers.
3. Under Media servers, select a 3300 ICP media server.
4. Click the Telephone system settings tab.
5. In the left pane, click System options.
6. After Feature access code for silent monitoring, type the feature access code used for silent
monitoring, as programmed on the telephone system.
NOTE: If you edit the feature access code on the media server, you must also manually edit the
feature access code on the telephone system. The feature access code entered in YourSite Explorer
must be identical to that on the telephone system and be valid for use with silent monitoring.
7. After ACD 2000 - Automatically log out last agent on no answer, click Yes or No.
8. After ACD Real-time Events Feature Level, specify the feature level value.
9. After ACD Make Busy Walk Away Codes, click Yes or No.
10. In the ribbon, click Save.
Editing SMDR options
Using YourSite Explorer, you can edit a subset of contact center related SMDR options. YourSite Explorer
displays the recommended value for these SMDR options.
To edit SMDR Options
1. In YourSite Explorer, in the left pane, click YourSite.
2. Under Enterprise, click Media servers.
3. Under Media servers, select a 3300 ICP media server.
4. Click the Telephone system settings tab.
5. In the left pane, click SMDR options.
6. After Extended digit length, click Yes or No.
7. Specify the system options.
8. In the ribbon, click Save.