
44 Chapter 4 Getting Started
10. After Enterprise IP Address, type the IP address of the Enterprise Server.
11. If your Enterprise uses SSL, select the SSL check box.
12. Click Install.
The program features you selected are installed.
13. Click Finish.
The Select role window opens.
Installing Client Component Pack using an administrative
You can install Client Component Pack silently on remote desktops using an MSI (Microsoft Installer)
administrative installation procedure. A silently installed program is a program that can be installed with no
user interaction.
To install client software silently on remote desktops
1. Install the prerequisite software.
2. Locate the client_setup.exe and extract Client Component Pack.msi.
3. Perform the .msi procedure for the administrative installation.
4. Run the silent installations.
Installing the prerequisite software
Before you install client software, you must install the prerequisite software.
To install the prerequisite software
1. Go to the src folder located in your Contact Center Solutions Installation folder.
NOTE: The default location of this folder is C:\CCM\src.
2. Open the Windows Installer 3_1 folder.
3. Install Windows Installer 3.1.
4. Go back to the src folder.
5. Open the vcredist_x86 folder.
6. Install vcredist_x86.
7. Log onto your Contact Center Management Enterprise Server.
8. Click Help.
9. Click on the Software downloads/Installations tab.
10. Click Software Downloads.
11. Install the following components:
• Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.
• Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 for Microsoft .NET.
• Microsoft Report View Redistributable 2005.
Locating the client_setup.exe and extracting Client Component Pack.msi
To locate the client_setup.exe and extract Client Component Pack.msi
1. Go to the src folder located in your Contact Center Solutions Installation folder.
NOTE: The default location of this folder is C:\CCM\src.
2. Open client_setup.exe.
3. Open the folder that was modified the same day you extracted client_setup.exe. The folder naming
format will be xxx_xxxx.
Client Component Pack.msi will be in that folder