
Troubleshooting reporting issues 271
Configuring reports to exclude Junk Mail from completed email
Using the Registry Editor on the Enterprise Server, you can configure multimedia reports to exclude Junk Mail
from the completed email statistics. If you exclude Junk Mail from completed email statistics, the following
statistics will be affected:
• Completed count
• Completed total duration
• Hold count
• Hold total duration
• Short handled count
To exclude Junk Mail from completed email statistics
1. Click Start=>Run.
2. Type regedit.
3. Click OK.
The Registry Editor opens.
4. Expand the tree to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\prairieFyre Software Inc\CCM.
5. Right-click Common and select New=>String Value.
6. Type SubtractJunkEmailStatsFromCompletedStats and click Enter.
7. Right-click the SubtractJunkEmailStatsFromCompiledStats string and select Modify.
The Edit String window opens.
8. Under Value data, type 1.
9. Click OK.
Troubleshooting Reporting Service
Why is Reporting Service not emailing or printing my reports?
• Ensure the SMTP Mail settings are correctly configured.
• Ensure the printer settings are correctly configured.
• View the log file for Reporting Service to find out why reports are not being printed/emailed the way
you expect in the installation/Log file