
590 Glossary
An auto-acknowledgement is the response the customer receives (after emailing or sending a chat message
to your company). For example, the Payment Response acknowledgement sent to a customer upon payment
for an order might be “Thank you for shopping with us. Your order is scheduled for delivery on May 05, 2002
between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., pending credit approval.”
Average abandon time
The average abandon time is the average number of seconds callers wait in queue before they abandon a
Blocked call
A blocked call is a call that does not get through to the system because no trunks are available. The caller
receives a busy signal.
Busy hour traffic
The busy hour traffic, measured in Erlangs, is the number of hours of call traffic (or trunk traffic) there are
during your busiest hour of operation. It is important that your busy hour figure represent the busiest Call Load
your trunks will ever be offered, and not just today’s peak traffic. The busy hour traffic = (average call
duration+ average delay) x calls per hour ÷ 3600. This value represents the total trunk load (occupancy) in
Call Load
The Call Load is the aggregate effect of the number of calls received by the ACD queue and their duration, or
the calls offered multiplied by the (average handling time plus average Wrap Up Time).
Call routing
Call routing is the set of instructions programmed in the telephone system that automate the movement of
calls to their intended answering points.
Call volume see ACD calls offered
Calls abandoned
An abandoned call is a call that does not reach an agent because the caller hung up.
Calls abandoned
The calls abandoned can be short abandoned calls or long abandoned calls. If the abandon time is less than
the call abandoned parameter, then it is a short abandoned call. If the abandon time is more than the call
abandoned parameter, then it is a long abandoned call.
You assign the calls abandoned parameter (called the queue short abandon time) values to ACD queues in
the YourSite database.
Callers can abandon after they reach a trunk (before they reach the ACD queue) or while they are in queue
waiting for an available agent (either before or after the short abandon time you specify).
Calls abandoned (long)
Call abandoned (long) calls abandon with an abandon time greater than the call abandoned parameter. These
long abandoned called are included in call statistics.
Calls abandoned (short)
Call abandoned (short) calls abandon with an abandon time less than the call abandoned parameter. These
short abandoned calls are not included in the call statistics.