
Adding resilient and/or Network ACD hot desking agents 149
Configuring Multimedia Contact Center Email routing options is done in the Contact Center Management
To configure email routing options
1. In Contact Center Management, click YourSite=>Configuration.
2. On the Configuration menu, click Queue=>Queue.
3. Across from an email queue, click Edit.
4. Click the Multimedia Contact Center Email/SMS routing options tab.
5. After Priority of this queue in relation to all other queues associated with this media server,
type a priority value between 1 and 10 inclusive.
The priority value is assigned to the queue. The value 1 has the highest priority.
6. After Agent requeue time, type the time in minutes that an email will ring in the assigned agent’s
inbox before it is put back into the same queue and offered to the next available agent.
7. After Duration an email is on hold before the agent requeue timer begins, type the time in
minutes that an email can be on hold in the assigned agent’s inbox before a warning flashes to
indicate that the requeue timer will start.
You specify the length of time the requeue timer runs in the Agent requeue time field.
8. After Interflow Time, type the time in minutes an email can wait in the original queue before it is sent
to another queue (the interflow queue).
9. If you want to direct queue-delayed emails to an alternate queue, click Internally interflow contacts
to this email queue and select the queue to which you will interflow the emails.
The email will be interflowed to this queue after it has waited in the original queue for a set period of
time (the interflow time).
10. If you want to direct queue-delayed emails to a specific email address, click Externally interflow
contacts to this email address and type the address to which you will interflow the emails.
11. If this queue handles SMS messages, under SMS Options
• After Phone Number, type the phone number of the SMS modem’s SIM card.
• After SMSFinder Server, type the IP address of the SMS modem.
• After User name, type the SMS modem user name.
• After Password, type the SMS modem password.
• After Remote Port, type the connection port number of the modem.
NOTE: Entering the connection port number of the modem is not required but is strongly
encouraged to avoid cycling through all occupied ports.
12. Click Save.
Configuring Multimedia Contact Center WebChat routing options
Configuring Multimedia Contact Center Webchat routing options is done in the Contact Center Management
To configure chat routing options
1. In Contact Center Management, click YourSite=>Configuration.
2. On the Configuration menu, click Queue=>Queue.
3. Across from a chat queue, click Edit.
4. Click the Multimedia Contact Center WebChat Routing options tab.
5. After Priority of this queue in relation to all other queues associated with this media server,
type a priority value between 1 and 10 inclusive.
The priority value 1 has the highest priority.
6. After Number of chat sessions that can be simultaneously routed to each agent for this queue,
enter a number between 1 and 10 inclusive.
7. After Requeue time, type the time (in seconds) that a chat message will ring in the assigned agent’s
inbox before it is put back into the same queue and offered to the next available agent.