338 Chapter 12 Interactive Contact Center
Figure 12-2 Placing a queue in Do Not Disturb
To place all of the queues on a monitor in Do Not Disturb
• Right-click the monitor and click Monitor control=>Set Do Not Disturb.
Removing queues from Do Not Disturb
To remove a queue from Do Not Disturb
• Right-click the cell of a queue that is in Do Not Disturb and click Queue control=>Remove Do Not
To remove all of the queues on a monitor from Do Not Disturb
• Right-click the monitor and click Monitor control=>Remove Do Not Disturb.
Controlling queues using a schedule
A Queue control schedule opens queues during business hours and closes queues after business hours.
Scheduling queues to enter or leave Do Not Disturb
Using a schedule, you can place queues in and remove queues from Do Not Disturb on the Queue Now
To schedule a queue to enter or leave Do Not Disturb
1. Click YourSite=>Configuration.
2. On the Configuration menu, click Queue=>Queue.
3. Across from a 3300 ICP/5000/Axxess queue, click Edit.
4. On the Interactive Contact Center Queue control tab, after Interactive Contact Center Queue
control schedule, select a schedule.
5. Click Manage schedule.
6. Click Edit schedule or Create a new schedule.
You can edit the default 24/7 schedule or you can click Create new schedule to create a new
7. If you are creating a new schedule, after Name, type the name of the schedule.
8. Specify the time you want the queue to enter and leave Do Not Disturb.
For example, your business opens on Monday at 9:00 A.M. and closes on Friday at 5:00 P.M. You
select a start time of 9:00 A.M for the days Monday to Friday. You select an end time of 5:00 P.M for
the days Monday to Friday. For Saturday and Sunday you select Disable for day. Your queues will be
in Do Not Disturb at all times except for Monday to Friday, from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
9. Click Apply schedule.