
312 Chapter 10 Data-mining Tools
Running searches for error and information records
Using the Option tab you can run a search for error and information records. The error messages are records
of sequence errors. The information records are records of when the Collector restarts.
Previously, you ran a Call parties search for agent 2005, and then a Call types to include Answer non-ACD
that occurred between 9:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M.
To run an Exception event search
1. Click the SMDR Inspector criteria tab.
The Options tab opens.
2. Click the Call parties tab.
3. Click Select dates and select March 10, 2003.
4. Under Select media servers, Phone is preselected.
5. Under Call parties, type the Called party, agent ID 2005.
6. Click the Call types tab.
7. Under Call types, clear the check boxes for all of the criteria but Answer non-ACD.
8. Click the Options tab.
9. Under Time ranges, after the Start At time, type 9:00:00.
10. Under Time ranges, after the End At time, type 12:59:59.
11. Under Exceptions, select the Error records and Information records check boxes.
12. Click Start search.
The SMDR Inspector results - SMDR Search results window opens.
Exception search results
There was an information record produced every five minutes. Either the alarm is set incorrectly (the system
thinks it should be receiving data because the business hours indicate the business is open), or the
connection has died. The Exception results tab displays error and information records. (See Figure 10-15.)
The Exception search has the following results information:
Media server
The Media server box identifies the telephone system (with or without MiTAI) that produced the event record.
The Data record box displays detailed information on the exception record.