
120 Chapter 6 Configuration
Editing Class of Service options
Using YourSite Explorer, you can edit a subset of contact center related Class of Service options. YourSite
Explorer displays the recommended value for these Class of Service options.
To edit Class of Service options
1. In YourSite Explorer, in the left pane, click YourSite.
2. Under Enterprise, click Media servers.
3. Under Media servers, select a 3300 ICP media server.
4. Click the Telephone system settings tab.
5. In the left pane, click Class of Service.
6. Under Name, select the Class of Service to edit.
7. After Comment, enter a description for the Class of Service.
8. After Use this Class of Service as the default value for new agents, click Yes or No.
9. After HCI/CTI/TAPI call control allowed, click Yes or No.
10. After HCI/CTI/TAPI monitor allowed, click Yes or No.
11. After SMDR external, click Yes or No.
12. After SMDR internal, click Yes or No.
13. In the ribbon, click Save.
Editing Class of Restriction options
Using YourSite Explorer, you can edit a subset of contact center related Class of Restriction options.
To edit the Class of Restriction options
1. In YourSite Explorer, in the left pane, click YourSite.
2. Under Enterprise, click Media servers.
3. Under Media servers, select a 3300 ICP media server.
4. Click the Telephone system settings tab.
5. In the left pane, click Class of Restriction.
6. Under Number, select the Class of Restriction to edit.
7. After Do you want this Class of Restriction to be the default setting, click Yes or No.
8. After Classes of Restriction for the group, enter the Class of Restriction numbers to include in the
A range of numbers may be specified. Separate numbers using commas or dashes. For example, 1
though 9 may be entered as 1-9 or a combination of individual numbers and ranges may be entered
as 1,2,3,7-10,13.
NOTE: Class of Restriction numbers must be entered in ascending order within each group.
9. In the ribbon, click Save.
Adding resilient and/or Network ACD hot desking agents
If you use resilient or Network ACD hot desking agents, you must first program them on the telephone system
using OPS Manager. After you have added the resilient or Network ACD hot desking agents to the telephone
system, you must synchronize network elements using OPS Manager. You then perform Synchronization on
all 3300 ICPs in your enterprise. Once you have performed Synchronization, the resilient and/or Network ACD
hot desking agents you programmed using OPS Manager will be programmed in the YourSite database and
available in YourSite Explorer.
It is important to understand that traditional and hot desking agents cannot be combined on the same
telephone system or within a cluster. For more information about invalid ACD agent programming, see “Invalid
ACD cluster programming” on page 121.