Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Chapter 10 DeviceListX Report
This report, which is within the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, inherits its
security from that web site, so no security issues directly relate to this report. If the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration changes how it implements security with
ditions, such as SSL, this report benefits from that enhancement.
Related Features and Technologies
DeviceListX acts as an independent interface, which is a real-time complement to the XML-Layer
Database API (AXL), where AXL provides access to static, persisted data, and DeviceListX provides
access to dynamic, volatile information.
Supported Platforms
For the DeviceListX.asp page to function requires Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration reporting infrastructure. The following releases support DeviceListX.asp:
• Cisco CallManager Release 3.2(3)SPB
• Cisco Unified CallManager Release 4.0(1) and later
You can access this feature when devicelistX.asp resides in the C:\ciscoWebs\Admin\reports directory
of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager publisher server.
Message and Interface Definitions
Use the following URL to access the report via HTTP:
x.x.x.x can eit
her be the IP address or hostname of the Cisco Unified CallManager system
that contains the report.
Note Beginning with Cisco Unified CallManager 4.1 release, the DeviceListX report can only be accessed via
secure HTTP (HTTPS), so the URL must begin with “https:” rather than “http:”.
DeviceList XML Object
Third-party applications that reside elsewhere on the network commonly use the interface. The
application makes an HTTP request for the report and gets a response that contains a DeviceList XML
object. The XML object follows: