Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Chapter 3 CiscoIPPhone XML Objects
XML Object Definitions
The following XML code defines a CiscoIPPhoneImage object that displays the sequence of pixels shown
in Figure 3-3 as a graphic positioned at the center of the phone display:
The graphic display comprises a contiguous stream of hexadecimal digits, with no spaces or other
separators. If the number of pixels to be displayed does not represent an even multiple of four, pad the
end of the pixel data with blank (zero value) pixels, so the data is packed correctly. The phone ignores
the padded data.
Tip Before displaying a graphic image on a Cisco Unified IP Phone, the software clears the pane dedicated
to services. If a service has text or other information that must be preserved (including the title area), the
information must get redrawn as part of the graphic. If the title is to be hidden, the graphic must be large
enough to cover it.
The latest generation of Cisco Unified IP Phones have higher-resolution displays with more color depth.
The Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G, for example, has a display area of 298x168 pixels available to the
vices pane and renders images in 12-bit color.
To support these more advanced displays, a new XML object allows the use of color PNG images in
ddition to the grayscale
CiscoIPPhoneImage objects. The CiscoIPPhoneImageFile object behaves like
CiscoIPPhoneImage object, except for the image data. Instead of using the <Data> tag to embed the
image data, the
<URL> tag points to the PNG image file.
The web server must deliver the PNG image to the phone with an appropriate MIME Content-Type
ader, such as image/png, so the phone recognizes the content as a compressed, binary PNG image. The
PNG image can be either palettized or RGB, and the maximum image size and color depth are model
dependent (see Table 3-2).
Table 3-2 Cisco Unified IP Phones Display Image Sizes and Color Depths
(width x height)
Monochrome Color Depth (bits)
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7905G, 7906G,
7911G, 7912G
, 7931G
N/A Grayscale 1
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7920 128 x 59 Grayscale 1
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7921G, 7925G 176 x 140 Color 16
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7940G/60G 133 x 65 Grayscale 2
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7941G, 7941G-GE,
942G, 7961G, 7961G-GE, 7962G
298 x 144 Grayscale 4