Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Chapter 3 CiscoIPPhone XML Objects
XML Object Definitions
If the number of colors in the image is not reduced to match the phone capabilities, the image will be
dithered by the phone and yield less than desirable results in most cases. To reduce the number of colors
in a graphics editing program, such as Adobe Photoshop, use the “Posterize” command. The “Posterize”
command takes one value as input for the number of color tones per color channel. For example, using
the value of 16 (4-bits per channel = 16 tones per channel) will correctly dither the color palette of the
image for the best display results on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G.
Figure 3-4
shows a CiscoIPPhoneImageFile object on a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G display.
Figure 3-4 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G Image File Display
<Title>Image Title goes here</Title>
<Prompt>Prompt text goes here</Prompt>
<LocationX>Horizontal position of graphic</LocationX>
<LocationY>Vertical position of graphic</LocationY>
<URL>Points to the PNG image</URL>
Note The 6900 series IP phones does not display the Title and Prompt menu fields at the same time.
If both Title and Prompt fields are defined at the same time, then these phones display only the
Prompt field.
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7945G, 7965G 298 x 156 Color 16
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G/7971G 298 x 168 Color 12
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7975G 298 x 168 Color 16
Cisco IP Communicator 298 x 168 Color 24
Cisco Unified IP Phones 6921, 6961 396 x 81 Monochrome —
Cisco Unified IP Phone 6941 396 x162 Monochrome —
Cisco Unified IP Phones 9971, 9951, 8961 498x289 Color 24
1. Represents the size of the display that is accessible by Services—not the full resolution of the physical display.
2. The Cisco Unified IP Phones 7905 and 7912 have pixel-based displays, but they do not support XML images.
Table 3-2 Cisco Unified IP Phones Display Image Sizes and Color Depths (continued)
(width x height)
/Monochrome Color Depth (bits)