Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Chapter 10 DeviceListX Report
• Device Pool
• IP Address
• Real-Time Information
The completed list of data gets formatted into a simple XML object and gets returned in the HTTP
onse to the developer.
DeviceListX provides access to critical real-time data that was previously unavailable to third-party
developers. In particular, the ability to list currently registered devices along with their IP address allows
developers to easily build push, broadcast, and CTI-type applications.
Only users with administrative privileges to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration can access the report.
Note To minimize processing overhead on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server, access to the
DeviceListX report gets rate-limited to once per minute. Any attempt to pull the report more frequently
will fail. In practice, the developer application should pull and cache the DeviceListX report, refreshing
only as often as required, typically every few hours or daily.
Integration Considerations and Interoperability
The interface allows HTTP 1.1 or HTTP 1.0 GET requests for the report. The report returns data that is
encapsulated by using XML version 1.0.
Performance and Scalability
You can run this report on the largest supported Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster size for
the targeted release without impacting core features, such as delaying dial tone. On multiserver
Cisco Unified Communications Manager clusters, the report can access only from the publisher server.
large clusters where the publisher is not a Cisco Unified Communications Manager server, no
ibility exists of impacting the system performance as perceived by a user.
This report is not intended for use during real time, so this interface should provide a mechanism for
velopers to poll for the data on a daily or hourly basis. Give consideration to the frequency of polling
and the time of day to prevent unnecessary burden on the system during peak usage times.