Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Chapter 9 IP Phone Service Administration and Subscription
Defining IP Phone Service Parameters
Defining IP Phone Service Parameters
Each service can have a list of parameters. You can use these parameters, which are appended to the URL
when they are sent to the server, to personalize a service for an individual user. Examples of parameters
include stock ticker symbols, city names, or user IDs. The service provider defines the semantics of a
The Cisco Unified IP Phone Service Parameter Configuration page in Cisco Unified Communications
anager Administration contains the fields as described in Table 9-2.
Enable Select this check box to enable the service, or clear the check box to
isable the service without deleting it.
Note You cannot delete default services. Use this field if a default
service exists, but you do not want to make it available for
Enterprise Subscriptions Select this check box to automatically provision the new service to all
evices in the enterprise without requiring individual subscription. If
this option is selected, the service automatically gets provisioned and
does not get presented for user subscription.
Note Be aware that this check box is available for selection only
when the service is created. You cannot modify it.
Table 9-1 IP Phone Service Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description
Table 9-2 IP Phone Service Parameter Settings
Field Description
Service Parameter Information
Parameter Name Enter the exact query string parameter to use when you build the
bscription URL; for example, symbol.
Parameter Display Name Enter a descriptive parameter name to display to the user in Cisco Unified
M User Options; for example, Ticker Symbol.
Default Value Enter the default value for the parameter. This value displays to the user
n a service is being subscribed to for the first time; for example,
Parameter Description Enter a description of the parameter. The user can access the text that is
tered here while the user is subscribing to the service. The parameter
description should provide information or examples to help users input
the correct value for the parameter.
Parameter is Required If the user must enter data for this parameter before the subscription can
e saved, check the Parameter is Required check box.
Parameter is a Password
mask contents)
You can mask entries in Cisco Unified CM User Options, so asterisks
display rather than the actual user entry. You may want to do this for
parameters such as passwords that you do not want others to be able to
view. To mask parameter entry, select the Parameter is a Password (mask
contents) check box in the Configure IP phone service Parameter window
in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.