Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Chapter 3 CiscoIPPhone XML Objects
XML Considerations
Note The <URLDown> tag can only contain Internal URIs—it cannot contain an HTTP URL. The “URL” in
the name “URLDown” does not signify that an HTTP URL can be used.
<Name>Displayed sofkey label</Name>
<URL>URL or URI action for softkey RELEASE event</URL>
<URLDown>URL or URI action for softkey PRESS event</URLDown>
<Position>position of softkey</Position>
In this example, a CiscoIPPhoneText object has a single custom softkey defined:
<Text>This object has one softkey named "Custom"</Text>
If any custom softkeys are defined in the XML object, then all default softkeys are removed from that
object. To retain default softkey behavior, then you must explicitly define it in the XML object using a
tag. The internal Softkey URIs can be used in the <URL> tag of <SoftKeyItem> to invoke
default softkey actions from custom softkeys. See Chapter 5, “Internal URI Features” for more
information on invoking internal softkey features.
Note If there are no custom softkeys and there is no default softkey placed in position 1, either a Next or
Update softkey is assigned automatically. If the URL is a Refresh URL, the softkey will be “Next.” If
not, the Update softkey is assigned.
The following softkey definitions would provide the custom softkey, without losing the default “Select”
XML Considerations
The XML parser in Cisco Unified IP Phones does not function as a fully capable XML parser. Do not
include any tags other than those defined in your XML display definitions.