Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Chapter 5 Internal URI Features
XML Displayable Object URIs
XML Displayable Object URIs
These sections describe the XML displayable object URIs:
• SoftKey
• QueryStringParam
You can execute native softkey functionality when the phone executes a Softkey URI. The SoftKey URI
allows developers to customize softkey names and layout in the Services and Directories windows while
retaining the functionality that the softkeys provide.
Softkey URIs work in menu items and in softkey items in the XML objects for which they natively occur
on t
he phone.
Note The Softkey URI is not supported in the Execute object.
URI Format
n = on
e of the following softkey names:
• Back
• Cancel
• Exit
• Next
• Search
• Select
• Submit
• Update
• Dial
• EditDial
• <<
Table 5-4
contains valid softkey actions for each XSI object type follow. The URI invokes the native
functionality that each key possesses in the given object context.
Table 5-4 Valid Softkey Actions for CiscoIPPhoneObject Types
Select Exit Update Submit Search << Cancel Next Dial
CiscoIPPhoneMenu X X
CiscoIPPhoneIconMenu X X
CiscoIPPhoneText X X