Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Chapter 5 Internal URI Features
Application Management URIs
• 0—Do immediately, even if user is interacting with the phone. This priority is unavailable if the
Application URI is contained within an Application Management Event Handler (see the
“Application Event Handlers” section on page 3-22).
• 1—Do when user is done interacting with the phone.
• 2—Do only if the user is not interacting with the phone.
idleTimer =
duration of time (in seconds) the phone or application must be idle before the action should
be taken. Values must range from 10-86400 (seconds); default is 60 seconds. The idleTimer value has
no effect on priority=0 requests. Any pending timers are automatically cancelled when the displayable
object changes for an application context.
applicationId = o
ptional identifier of the application on which the action should be taken. Values must
range in length from 1-64 string characters and cannot contain colons. The default value is the
application of the displayable object in which the URI is defined.
Note If the Application URI is used in an ExecuteItem, you must specify the applicationId because
the application context of the request cannot be inferred.
Error and Response
All Application URI requests are asynchronous, so the only return value indicates that the URI was
successfully parsed and that the specified application was valid and currently active in its context. The
application is notified of the actual state change asynchronously via the event handlers.
Condition Status Data
Executed successfully 0 (Success) Success
URI syntax is invalid 1 (Parse error) Invalid URI
Unknown application ID 6 (Internal error) Unknown Application ID
Request made to change state of an application that is
t current active
6 (Internal error) Application is not Active