Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Chapter 5 Internal URI Features
Multimedia URIs
Use the RTPTx URI to instruct the phone to transmit a Unicast RTP stream or to stop transmitting
Unicast or Multicast RTP streams.
URI Formats
i = th
e IP Address to which an RTP stream is transmit ed.
p = th
e UDP port on which to transmit the RTP stream. Ensure that this is an even port number within
the decimal range of 20480 to 32768.
Stop =
the parameter that will stop any active RTP stream from being transmitted on channel one.
The RTPMRx URI instructs the phone to receive a Multicast RTP.
URI Format
= the Multicast IP Address from which to receive an RTP stream.
p = th
e Multicast UDP port from which to receive the RTP stream. Ensure that this is an even port
number within the decimal range of 20480 to 32768.
v = t
he optional volume setting that controls the volume of stream playout. The supplied value is a
percentage of the maximum volume level of the device and must be in the range 0-100. The phone
converts the specified percentage into the closest device-supported volume level setting and uses it. After
the initial volume level gets set and the stream starts, you can manually change the volume level as
needed. If the optional volume parameter does not get included, the current volume setting on the phone
gets used as the default.
The RTPMTx URI instructs the phone to transmit a Multicast RTP stream.
URI Formats
= the Multicast IP Address to which an RTP stream is transmitted.
p = th
e Multicast UDP port on which to transmit the RTP stream. Ensure that this is an even port number
within the decimal range of 20480 to 32768.