Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Chapter 3 CiscoIPPhone XML Objects
XML Object Definitions
This icon menu is similar to CiscoIPPhoneMenu, but it uses color PNG icons rather than grayscale CIP
icons. Use icon menus in situations when you want to provide additional visual information to the user
to show the state or category of an item. For example, you can use icons to indicate priority (see
Figure 3-7).
Icons in the
CiscoIPPhoneIconFileMenu object have a maximum width of 18 pixels and a maximum
height of 18 pixels. Instead of using the
<Data> tag to embed the image data into the <IconItem> tag,
this object uses a
<URL> tag to point to the PNG image file to be used for that icon.
Figure 3-7 CiscoIPPhoneIconFileMenu Object Display Sample
<Title>Title text goes here</Title>
<Prompt>Prompt text goes here</Prompt>
<IconIndex>Indicates what IconItem to display</IconIndex>
<Name>The name of each menu item</Name>
<URL>The URL associated with the menu item</URL>
<Index>A unique index from 0 to 9</Index>
<URL>location of the PNG icon image</URL>
Note The 6900 series IP phones does not display the Title and Prompt menu fields at the same time.
If both Title and Prompt fields are defined at the same time, then these phones display only the
Prompt field.
The CiscoIPPhoneStatus object is also a displayable object, but differs from the preceding objects in that
it displays on the Call plane of the phone rather than the Services plane. The CiscoIPPhoneStatus object
“hovers” above the Call plane and is typically used in conjunction with CTI applications to present
application status to the user.