Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 33 Configuring QoS
Configuring Standard QoS
Step 5
exit Return to global configuration mode.
Step 6
class-map [match-all | match-any]
Create an interface-level class map, and enter class-map configuration
By default, no class maps are defined.
• (Optional) Use the match-all keyword to perform a logical-AND
of all matching statements under this class map. All match criteria
in the class map must be matched.
• (Optional) Use the match-any keyword to perform a logical-OR of
all matching statements under this class map. One or more match
criteria must be matched.
• For class-map-name, specify the name of the class map.
If neither the match-all or match-any keyword is specified, the default
is match-all.
Note Because only one match command per class map is supported,
the match-all and match-any keywords function the same.
Step 7
match input-interface interface-id-list Specify the physical ports on which the interface-level class map acts.
You can specify up to six ports as follows:
• A single port (counts as one entry)
• A list of ports separated by a space (each port counts as an entry)
• A range of ports separated by a hyphen (counts as two entries)
This command can only be used in the child-level policy map and must
be the only match condition in the child-level policy map.
Step 8
exit Return to class-map configuration mode.
Step 9
exit Return to global configuration mode.
Step 10
policy-map policy-map-name Create an interface-level policy map by entering the policy-map name,
and enter policy-map configuration mode.
By default, no policy maps are defined, and no policing is performed.
Step 11
class-map class-map-name Define an interface-level traffic classification, and enter policy-map
configuration mode.
By default, no policy-map class-maps are defined.
If a traffic class has already been defined by using the class-map global
configuration command, specify its name for class-map-name in this
Command Purpose