
Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 26 Configuring LLDP, LLDP-MED, and Wired Location Service
Configuring LLDP, LLDP-MED, and Wired Location Service
Time in seconds since the switch detected the association
Depending on the device capabilities, the switch obtains this client information at link down:
Slot and port that was disconnected
MAC address
IP address
802.1X username if applicable
Device category is specified as a wired station
State is specified as delete
Serial number, UDI
Time in seconds since the switch detected the disassociation
When the switch shuts down, it sends an attachment notification with the state delete and the IP address
before closing the NMSP connection to the MSE. The MSE interprets this notification as disassociation
for all the wired clients associated with the switch.
If you change a location address on the switch, the switch sends an NMSP location notification message
that identifies the affected ports and the changed address information.
Configuring LLDP, LLDP-MED, and Wired Location Service
Default LLDP Configuration, page 26-4
Configuration Guidelines, page 26-5
Enabling LLDP, page 26-5
Configuring LLDP Characteristics, page 26-6
Configuring LLDP-MED TLVs, page 26-7
Configuring Network-Policy TLV, page 26-7
Configuring Location TLV and Wired Location Service, page 26-9
Default LLDP Configuration
Table 26-1 Default LLDP Configuration
Feature Default Setting
LLDP global state Disabled
LLDP holdtime (before discarding) 120 seconds
LLDP timer (packet update frequency) 30 seconds
LLDP reinitialization delay 2 seconds
LLDP tlv-select Disabled to send and receive all TLVs
LLDP interface state Disabled
LLDP receive Disabled