Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
(For CGMP devices) CGMP for limiting multicast traffic to specified end stations and reducing
overall network traffic
(For IGMP devices) IGMP snooping for forwarding multimedia and multicast traffic
• IGMP report suppression for sending only one IGMP report per multicast router query to the
multicast devices (supported only for IGMPv1 or IGMPv2 queries)
• IGMP snooping querier support to configure switch to generate periodic IGMP general query
• IGMP helper to allow the switch to forward a host request to join a multicast stream to a specific IP
destination address
• IGMP filtering for controlling the set of multicast groups to which hosts on a switch port can belong
• IGMP throttling for configuring the action when the maximum number of entries is in the IGMP
forwarding table
• IGMP leave timer for configuring the leave latency for the network
• Switch Database Management (SDM) templates for allocating system resources to maximize
support for user-selected features
• Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements (SLAs), a part of Cisco IOS software that uses active traffic
monitoring for measuring network performance.
• Configurable small-frame arrival threshold to prevent storm control when small frames (64 bytes or
less) arrive on an interface at a specified rate (the threshold)
• Flex Link Multicast Fast Convergence to reduce the multicast traffic convergence time after a Flex
Link failure
• RADIUS server load balancing to allow access and authentication requests to be distributed evenly
across a server group.
• Support for QoS marking of CPU-generated traffic and queue CPU-generated traffic on the egress
network ports.
Management Options
• An embedded device manager—The device manager is a GUI that is integrated in the software
image. You use it to configure and to monitor a single switch. For information about launching the
device manager, see the getting started guide. For more information about the device manager, see the
switch online help.
• CLI—The Cisco IOS software supports desktop- and multilayer-switching features. You can access
the CLI either by connecting your management station directly to the switch console port or by using
Telnet from a remote management station. For more information about the CLI, see
Chapter 2,
“Using the Command-Line Interface.”
• SNMP—SNMP management applications such as CiscoWorks2000 LAN Management Suite (LMS)
and HP OpenView. You can manage from an SNMP-compatible management station that is running
platforms such as HP OpenView or SunNet Manager. The switch supports a comprehensive set of
MIB extensions and four remote monitoring (RMON) groups. For more information about using
SNMP, see
Chapter 31, “Configuring SNMP.”