Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Configuring VLANs
Configuring Normal-Range VLANs
the network, this could create a loop in the new VLAN that would not be broken, particularly if there
are several adjacent switches that all have run out of spanning-tree instances. You can prevent this
possibility by setting allowed lists on the trunk ports of switches that have used up their allocation
of spanning-tree instances.
If the number of VLANs on the switch exceeds the number of supported spanning-tree instances,
we recommend that you configure the IEEE 802.1s Multiple STP (MSTP) on your switch to map
multiple VLANs to a single spanning-tree instance. For more information about MSTP, see
Chapter 18, “Configuring MSTP.”
Configuring Normal-Range VLANs
You configure VLANs in vlan global configuration command by entering a VLAN ID. Enter a new
VLAN ID to create a VLAN, or enter an existing VLAN ID to modify that VLAN. You can use the
default VLAN configuration (
Table 14-2) or enter multiple commands to configure the VLAN. For more
information about commands available in this mode, see the vlan global configuration command
description in the command reference for this release. When you have finished the configuration, you
must exit VLAN configuration mode for the configuration to take effect. To display the VLAN
configuration, enter the show vlan privileged EXEC command.
The configurations of VLAN IDs 1 to 1005 are always saved in the VLAN database (vlan.dat file). If the
VTP mode is transparent, they are also saved in the switch running configuration file. You can enter the
copy running-config startup-config privileged EXEC command to save the configuration in the startup
configuration file. To display the VLAN configuration, enter the show vlan privileged EXEC command.
When you save VLAN and VTP information (including extended-range VLAN configuration
information) in the startup configuration file and reboot the switch, the switch configuration is selected
as follows:
• If the VTP mode is transparent in the startup configuration, and the VLAN database and the VTP
domain name from the VLAN database matches that in the startup configuration file, the VLAN
database is ignored (cleared), and the VTP and VLAN configurations in the startup configuration
file are used. The VLAN database revision number remains unchanged in the VLAN database.
• If the VTP mode or domain name in the startup configuration does not match the VLAN database,
the domain name and VTP mode and configuration for the first 1005 VLANs use the VLAN
database information.
• In VTP versions 1 and 2, if VTP mode is server, the domain name and VLAN configuration for only
the first 1005 VLANs use the VLAN database information. VTP version 3 also supports VLANs
1006 to 4094.
Default Ethernet VLAN Configuration
Table 14-2 shows the default configuration for Ethernet VLANs.
Note The switch supports Ethernet interfaces exclusively. Because FDDI and Token Ring VLANs are not
locally supported, you only configure FDDI and Token Ring media-specific characteristics for VTP
global advertisements to other switches.