Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 31 Configuring SNMP
Configuring SNMP
Configuring SNMP
• Default SNMP Configuration, page 31-6
• SNMP Configuration Guidelines, page 31-6
• Disabling the SNMP Agent, page 31-7
• Configuring Community Strings, page 31-8
• Configuring SNMP Groups and Users, page 31-9
• Configuring SNMP Notifications, page 31-11
• Setting the CPU Threshold Notification Types and Values, page 31-15
• Setting the Agent Contact and Location Information, page 31-16
• Limiting TFTP Servers Used Through SNMP, page 31-16
• SNMP Examples, page 31-17
Default SNMP Configuration
Table 31-4 shows the default SNMP configuration.
SNMP Configuration Guidelines
If the switch starts and the switch startup configuration has at least one snmp-server global
configuration command, the SNMP agent is enabled.
An SNMP group is a table that maps SNMP users to SNMP views. An SNMP user is a member of an
SNMP group. An SNMP host is the recipient of an SNMP trap operation. An SNMP engine ID is a name
for the local or remote SNMP engine.
Table 31-4 Default SNMP Configuration
Feature Default Setting
SNMP agent Disabled
1. This is the default when the switch starts and the startup configuration does not have any snmp-server global configuration
SNMP trap receiver None configured.
SNMP traps None enabled except the trap for TCP connections (tty).
SNMP version If no version keyword is present, the default is Version 1.
SNMPv3 authentication If no keyword is entered, the default is the noauth (noAuthNoPriv)
security level.
SNMP notification type If no type is specified, all notifications are sent.