
Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
Traffic-policing policies on the switch port for managing how much of the port bandwidth
should be allocated to a specific traffic flow
If you configure multiple class maps for a hierarchical policy map, each class map can be
associated with its own port-level (second-level) policy map. Each second-level policy map can
have a different policer.
Aggregate policing for policing traffic flows in aggregate to restrict specific applications or
traffic flows to metered, predefined rates
Out-of-profile markdown for packets that exceed bandwidth utilization limits
Ingress queueing and scheduling
Two configurable ingress queues for user traffic (one queue can be the priority queue)
Weighted tail drop (WTD) as the congestion-avoidance mechanism for managing the queue
lengths and providing drop precedences for different traffic classifications
Shaped round robin (SRR) as the scheduling service for specifying the rate at which packets are
sent to the ring (sharing is the only supported mode on ingress queues)
Egress queues and scheduling
Four egress queues per port
WTD as the congestion-avoidance mechanism for managing the queue lengths and providing
drop precedences for different traffic classifications
SRR as the scheduling service for specifying the rate at which packets are dequeued to the
egress interface (shaping or sharing is supported on egress queues). Shaped egress queues are
guaranteed but limited to using a share of port bandwidth. Shared egress queues are also
guaranteed a configured share of bandwidth, but can use more than the guarantee if other queues
become empty and do not use their share of the bandwidth.
Monitoring Features
MAC address notification traps and RADIUS accounting for tracking users on a network by storing
the MAC addresses that the switch has learned or removed
Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) and Remote SPAN (RSPAN) for traffic monitoring on any port or
SPAN and RSPAN support of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) to monitor, repel, and report
network security violations
Four groups (history, statistics, alarms, and events) of embedded RMON agents for network
monitoring and traffic analysis
Syslog facility for logging system messages about authentication or authorization errors, resource
issues, and time-out events
Layer 2 traceroute to identify the physical path that a packet takes from a source device to a
destination device
Time Domain Reflector (TDR) to diagnose and resolve cabling problems on 10/100/1000 copper
Ethernet ports
SFP module diagnostic management interface to monitor physical or operational status of an SFP