Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Configuring the Switch Alarms
Displaying IE 3010 Switch Alarms Status
This example detaches an alarm profile named fastE from a port.
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet 1/2
Switch(config-if)# no alarm profile fastE
Enabling SNMP Traps
Use the snmp-server enable traps alarms global configuration command to enable the switch to send
alarm traps.
Note Before using alarm profiles to set the switch to send SNMP alarm trap notifications to an SNMP server,
you must first enable SNMP by using the snmp-server enable traps alarms global configuration
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to enable the switch to send alarm traps:
Displaying IE 3010 Switch Alarms Status
To display the global and port alarm status, use one or more of the privileged EXEC commands in
Table 7-5:
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
snmp-server enable traps alarms Enable the switch to send SNMP traps.
Step 3
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4
show alarm settings Verify the configuration.
Step 5
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Table 7-5 Commands for Displaying Global and Port Alarm Status
Command Purpose
show alarm description port Displays an alarm number and its text description.
show alarm profile [name] Displays all alarm profiles in the system or a specified profile.
show alarm settings Displays all global alarm settings on the switch.
show env {all | power | temperature} Displays the status of environmental facilities on the switch.
show facility-alarm status [critical | info |
Displays generated alarms on the switch.