
Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 11 Configuring Web-Based Authentication
Understanding Web-Based Authentication
Figure 11-4 Login Screen With No Banner
For more information, see the Cisco IOS Security Command Reference and the “Configuring a Web
Authentication Local Banner” section on page 11-16.
Web Authentication Customizable Web Pages
During the web-based authentication process, the switch internal HTTP server hosts four HTML pages
to deliver to an authenticating client. The server uses these pages to notify you of these
four-authentication process states:
Login—Your credentials are requested.
Success—The login was successful.
Fail—The login failed.
Expire—The login session has expired because of excessive login failures.
You can substitute your own HTML pages for the default internal HTML pages.
You can use a logo or specify text in the login, success, failure, and expire web pages.
On the banner page, you can specify text in the login page.
The pages are in HTML.
You must include an HTML redirect command in the success page to access a specific URL.
The URL string must be a valid URL (for example, http://www.cisco.com). An incomplete URL
might cause page not found or similar errors on a web browser.