
Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 31 Configuring SNMP
Configuring SNMP
Note Many commands use the word traps in the command syntax. Unless there is an option in the command
to select either traps or informs, the keyword traps refers to traps, informs, or both. Use the snmp-server
host global configuration command to specify whether to send SNMP notifications as traps or informs.
Table 31-5 describes the supported switch traps (notification types). You can enable any or all of these
traps and configure a trap manager to receive them. To enable the sending of SNMP inform notifications,
use the snmp-server enable traps global configuration command combined with the snmp-server host
host-addr informs global configuration command.
Table 31-5 Switch Notification Types
Notification Type
bgp Generates Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) state change traps. This option is only available when
the enhanced multilayer image is installed.
bridge Generates STP bridge MIB traps.
cluster Generates a trap when the cluster configuration changes.
config Generates a trap for SNMP configuration changes.
copy-config Generates a trap for SNMP copy configuration changes.
entity Generates a trap for SNMP entity changes.
cpu threshold Allow CPU-related traps.
envmon Generates environmental monitor traps. You can enable any or all of these environmental traps: fan,
shutdown, status, supply, temperature.
errdisable Generates a trap for a port VLAN errdisabled. You can also set a maximum trap rate per minute. The
range is from 0 to 10000; the default is 0, which means there is no rate limit.
flash Generates SNMP FLASH notifications.
hsrp Generates a trap for Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) changes.
ipmulticast Generates a trap for IP multicast routing changes.
mac-notification Generates a trap for MAC address notifications.
msdp Generates a trap for Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) changes.
ospf Generates a trap for Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) changes. You can enable any or all of these
traps: Cisco specific, errors, link-state advertisement, rate limit, retransmit, and state changes.
pim Generates a trap for Protocol-Independent Multicast (PIM) changes. You can enable any or all of
these traps: invalid PIM messages, neighbor changes, and rendezvous point (RP)-mapping changes.
port-security Generates SNMP port security traps. You can also set a maximum trap rate per second. The range
is from 0 to 1000; the default is 0, which means that there is no rate limit.
Note When you configure a trap by using the notification type port-security, configure the port
security trap first, and then configure the port security trap rate:
snmp-server enable traps port-security
snmp-server enable traps port-security trap-rate rate
rtr Generates a trap for the SNMP Response Time Reporter (RTR).