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8.0 FreeSpace
4400 System Troubleshooting
8.4.5 Auto Volume does not calibrate
Auto Volume calibration may fail if the process cannot obtain an
adequate source level. This may be due to:
• Loudspeakers are tapped too high
• Maximum output gain is less than -20 dB
• Source is not operating
• Source level is too low
Calibration could also fail if the calculated loop gain is not within
required limits. This may be due to:
• Broken microphone cable
• Loudspeakers are not connected
• Sensing microphone is not connected, or is connected to the
wrong zone
8.5 Customer support
8.5.1 Technical assistance
If you need further technical assistance, contact your local Bose
representative, or visit pro.Bose.com.
8.5.2 Reporting software bugs and issues
Please email any problems, issues, or software bugs to your local
Bose representative. Please include the following information:
• Software version
• FreeSpace 4400 Error Log file
• Computer make, model, and configuration (hard drive storage
capacity, processor speed, and amount of installed RAM)
• Description of the problem – Can it be reproduced? If so, what
steps can be taken within the application to make the problem
manifest itself?
If possible, attach the FreeSpace 4400 Installer™ software diag-
nostic files. The FreeSpace 4400 Installer software creates three
important diagnostic files (output, error, and log) each time the
software runs. These files are distinct from the FreeSpace 4400
Error Log file which refers to the hardware errors and can be
accessed using the Service tab within the FreeSpace 4400
Installer™ software.
The name of each FreeSpace 4400 Installer diagnostic file
includes the date and time that FreeSpace 4400 Installer software
was run. For example:
FreeSpaceInstallerOutput-Oct 8, 2002 12_53_05 PM.txt
FreeSpaceInstallerErrors-Oct 8, 2002 12_53_05 PM.txt
FreeSpaceInstallerLog-Oct 8, 2002 12_53_05 PM.txt
These files are automatically written in the “temporary file” direc-
tory of your computer’s operating system. Use the standard Win-
dows “Search” of “Find” feature to look for files named
FreeSpaceInstallerErrors, and
on all local hard drives. This feature can be found in the Start
menu of Windows 98, NT, 2000, or XP. Once the search is com
plete, sort the listing by date to show the diagnostic files most
recently created by the FreeSpace 4400 Installer™ software.