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6.0 FreeSpace
4400 System Setup
Programmer’s Note: If you are using the FreeSpace
4400 system to drive loudspeakers that are not Bose
products, choose the No EQ setting or one of the four
high-pass filter settings at the end of the list.
The No EQ setting helps protect the FreeSpace 4400 against loud-
speaker transformer saturation when non-Bose loudspeakers are
connected to the FreeSpace 4400 hardware. This setting acts as a
band pass filter and allows energy between 80 Hz and 16 kHz to be
sent to the amplifier section of the FreeSpace 4400 electronics.
If you change the loudspeaker EQ type, any subzones will be auto-
matically changed to the new Speaker EQ setting, and be given the
default loudspeaker tap. Depending on the quantity and tap of loud-
speakers, you could receive an error message notifying you that the
system exceeds the 400 W limitation of the FreeSpace 4400 sys-
tem. If this problem occurs, delete the subzones from the subzone
list. This will allow you to change the loudspeaker EQ type.
Subzones table – The Subzones table allows you to document
the loudspeakers used in a zone.
A zone is a group of loudspeakers that are driven by the same
amplifier output channel. A subzone is a group of loudspeakers
within a zone that use a common tap or are of a common type.
For example, you may have installed ten Model 16 loudspeakers
in a dining room and set it up as a zone to be driven by channel 1.
In this zone you may have established two subzones, one with
five Model 16 loudspeakers tapped at 8W and the other with five
tapped at 16W.
To add a subzone
Click the Add button. When the Add Subzone window appears,
enter a name for the new subzone, select the loudspeaker model
installed, enter the quantity, and select a tap setting. The Model
Name list will include only loudspeakers that are compatible with
the Speaker EQ you selected.
Click OK to add the selections to the subzone table.
To delete a subzone
In the subzones table, select the subzone to be removed and
click the Delete button.
6.3.3 Input gain
The Input Gain controls allow you to adjust functions related to
the input source signal.
Factory default settings
Programmer’s Note: Input gain controls are disabled if
the input channel is routed to a zone in which Auto Vol-
ume is enabled (on). You will only be able to change/
adjust the input gain by resetting the Auto Volume for the
affected zone.
Input gain circuit block diagram
Input Type Initial Gain Gain Range Opti-source
Mic 40 dB 80 dB Off
Line 0 dB 70 dB Off
Mic Page 40 dB 80 dB On
Line Page 0 dB 60 dB On
Source type
input leveling
Mic phantom
power On/Off
Input signal
level meter
* Only available for AUX MIC/LINE 3 and PAGE/MIC/LINE 4 inputs. See
“Source EQ” on page 40.
Signal detector