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2.0 Designing with the FreeSpace
4400 System
2.2.5 Step 5 – Determine the
4400 requirements
Once you have identified the areas that use Auto Volume and
specifically equalized Bose loudspeakers, you can combine dif-
ferent areas based on the types of sources and controls they are
Now we can take a look at how the maps we created can help us
determine the quantity of FreeSpace 4400s we will need.
Total System Power = 250W
By combining the maps you can easily combine sources, loudspeaker types, and control types. The information
placed in this table suggests that Area 1 and Area 3 need to be grouped separately because they are Auto Volume
zones requiring separate FreeSpace 4400 system outputs. Area 2 uses one AVM (Mute) interface requiring one
FreeSpace 4400 output channel. Areas 4 and 5 share a common volume control and can be combined on a third
FreeSpace 4400 output channel. Since only four outputs are required and the total combined power requirement is
less than 400W, only one FreeSpace 4400 unit would be needed for this system.
Sources Controls Loudspeakers
1234AV1AV2VC1VC2M32SEFS3Total W
Area 1 ● ● ● ● 100 1
Area 2 ● ● ● ● ● 40 2
Area 3 ●● ● ●50 3
Area 4 ● ● ● 12 4
Area 5 ● ● ● 48 4