Chapter 7. Playback Settings 49
7.3 Play Selected First
This setting controls what happens when you select a file for playback while shuffle mode
is on. If the Play Selected First setting is Yes, the file you selected will be played
first. If this setting is No, a random file in the directory will be played first.
7.4 Fast-Forward/Rewind
These settings control the speed and acceleration during fast forward and rewind. The
setting FF/RW Min Step controls the initial speed and FF/RW Accel controls the
7.5 Anti-Skip Buffer
This setting controls how early Rockbox starts refilling the music buffer from the hard
drive when playing. A longer Anti-Skip Buffer helps prevent skips in music playback if
Rockbox has trouble reading from the disk. This can happen if the player is knocked,
shaken or jogged heavily while Rockbox is trying to read the hard drive.
The anti-skip buffer can be set to various values between 5 seconds and 10 minutes.
Note: Having a large anti-skip buffer tends to use more power, and may reduce your
battery life. It is recommended to always use the lowest possible setting that allows
correct and continuous playback.
7.6 Fade on Stop/Pause
Enables and disables a fade effect when you pause or stop playing a song. If the Fade
on Stop/Pause option is set to Yes, your music will fade out when you stop or pause
playback, and fade in when you resume playback.
7.7 Party Mode
Enables unstoppable music playback. When new songs are selected, they are queued at
the end of the current dynamic playlist instead of being played immediately. Pausing
and stopping playback is disabled as well as skipping songs and launching plugins.
7.8 Crossfade
This setting enables a cross-fader. At the end of a song, the song will fade out as the
next song fades in, creating a smooth transition between songs. The crossfade setting is
particularly effective when the player is set on shuffle.
Options for crossfade settings are:
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series