Appendix B. WPS Tags 147
B.13 Images
Tag Description
%X|filename.bmp| Load and set a backdrop image for the WPS. This
image must be exactly the same size as your LCD.
%P|filename.bmp| Load a Progress bar image for the WPS. Use %pb
tag to show the progress bar
%x|n|filename|x|y| Load and display an image
n: image ID (a-z and A-Z) for later referencing in
filename: filename relative to /.rockbox/ and in-
cluding .bmp
x: x coordinate
y: y coordinate.
%xl|n|filename|x|y|[nimages|] Preload an image for later display (useful for when
your images are displayed conditionally)
n: image ID (a-z and A-Z) for later referencing in
filename: filename relative to /.rockbox/ and in-
cluding .bmp
x: x coordinate
y: y coordinate.
nimages: (optional) number of sub-images (tiled
vertically, of the same height) contained in the
bitmap. Default is 1.
%xdn[i] Display a preloaded image
n: image ID (a-z and A-Z) as it was specified in %x
or %xl
i: (optional) number of the sub-image to display
(a-z for 1-26 and A-Z for 27-52). By default the
first (i.e. top most) sub-image will be used.
1. Load and display the image /.rockbox/bg.bmp with ID “a” at 37, 109:
2. Load a bitmap strip containing 5 volume icon images (all the same size) with image
ID “M”, and then reference the individual sub-images in a conditional:
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series