Chapter 10. Plugins 116
Save Game. . . Saves your current state.
Options. . . Max Frameskip. Change frameskip setting to improve speed.
Sound. Toggle sound on or off.
Stats. Toggle showing fps and current frameskip.
Set Keys (BUGGY) Select this option to set a new keymapping.
Screen Size. Chose whether the original aspect ratio should be kept when scaling
the picture to the screen or whether it should be displayed unscaled.
Screen Rotate. Rotate the displayed picture by 90 percent.
Set Palette. Pick one of a few predefined colour palettes.
Quit RockBoy. Quits the Rockboy plugin.
10.3.8 Search
This plugin can be used on playlists. It searches through the playlist that it opened
on looking for any occurrences of the string entered by the user. The results of this
search are saved to a new playlist, search results.m3u, within the same directory as
the original playlist.
10.3.9 Sort
This plugin takes a file and sorts it in ascending alphabetical order. Case is ignored.
This is useful for ordering playlists generated by the Create Playlist menu option
(see section 5.8 (page 39)).
10.3.10 Text Viewer
This is a Viewer for text files with word wrap. Just open a .txt file to display it. The
text viewer features controls to handle various styles of text formatting, has top-of-file
and bottom-of-file buttons. You can view files without a .txt extension by using Open
with from the Context Menu (see section 4.1.2 (page 22)).
Key Action
Up Scroll-up
Down Scroll-down
Left Top of file (Narrow mode) / One screen
left (Wide mode)
Right Bottom of file (Narrow mode) / One
screen right (Wide mode)
A Toggle autoscroll
Menu Enter menu
Power Exit text viewer
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series