Chapter 6. Sound Settings 46
Bands 1-3: Peaking filters Peaking EQ filters boost or lower a frequency range centered
at the center frequency chosen. Graphic equalizers in home stereos are usually
peaking filters. The peaking filters in Rockbox’s EQ lets you adjust three different
parameters for EQ bands 1 through 3. The “center” parameter controls the center
frequency of the frequency range that is affected as described above. The “gain”
parameter controls how much each band is adjusted, and works as for the low
shelf filter. Finally, the “Q” parameter controls how wide or narrow the affected
frequency range is. Higher Q values will affect a narrower band of frequencies,
while lower Q values will affect a wider band of frequencies.
Band 4: High shelf filter A high shelf filter boosts or lowers all frequencies above a
certain frequency limit, much like what a “treble” control found on ordinary stereo
systems does. The high shelf filter is adjusted the same way as the low shelf filter,
except that it works on the high end of the frequency spectrum rather than the
low end.
As a general guide, EQ band 0 should be used for low frequencies, EQ bands 1 through
3 should be used for mids, and EQ band 4 should be used for highs.
Enable EQ: This option controls whether the EQ is on or off.
Graphical EQ: This option brings up a graphic EQ screen, which allows adjustment of
each of the three parameters described above (gain, center frequency, and Q) for
each of the five EQ bands.
Key Action
Raises the highlighted parameter.
Lowers the highlighted parameter.
Moves to the previous EQ band.
Moves to the next EQ band.
Toggles the cursor among the three pa-
rameters (gain, center frequency, Q) for
the selected EQ band.
Exits the graphic EQ screen.
Pre-cut: If too much gain is added through the graphical EQ, your music may distort.
The Precut setting allows you to adjust the overall gain of the EQ.
If your music distorts when using the EQ, trying changing this setting to a negative
Simple EQ: This option provides an easier alternative for those who are daunted by all
of the parameters that can be adjusted using the graphical EQ. With the Simple
EQ, the only parameter that can be adjusted is the gain.
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series