Appendix D. User feedback 154
D User feedback
D.1 Bug reports
If you experience inappropriate performance from any supported feature, please file a
bug report on our web page. Do not report missing features as bugs, instead file them
as feature ideas (see below).
For open bug reports refer to http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/index.php?type=2
D.1.1 Rules for submitting new bug reports
1. Check that the bug has not already been reported
2. Always include the following information in your bug report:
• Which exact player you have.
• Which exact Rockbox version you are using (Menu->Info -> Version)
• A step-by-step description of what you did and what happened
• Whether the problem is repeatable or a one-time occurrence
• All relevant data regarding the problem, such as playlists, MP3 files etc. (IMPOR-
D.2 Feature ideas
To suggest an idea for a feature or to read those made by others, see http://forums.
rockbox.org/index.php?board=49.0. Please keep in mind that this forum is for the dis-
cussion of feature ideas - they are not requests and there is no guarantee they will be
acted upon.
D.2.1 Rules for submitting a new feature idea
1. Check that the feature has not already been suggested. Duplicates are really
2. Check that the feature has not already been implemented. Download the latest
current/daily build and/or search the mail list archive.
3. Check that the feature is possible to implement (see section D.2.2 (page 155)).
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series