Chapter 11. Advanced Topics 134
11.1.5 Changing Filetype Colours
Rockbox has the capability to modify the File Browser to show different filetypes in
different colours depending upon the file extension. See the ZCustomFiletypeColours
Wiki page for details.
11.1.6 Loading Backdrops
Rockbox supports showing an image as a backdrop in the File Browser and the menus.
The backdrop image must be a .bmp file of the exact same dimensions as the display
in your player (240x320x16 with the last number giving the colour depth in bits). To
use an image as a backdrop browse to it in the File Browser and open the Context
Menu (see section 4.1.2 (page 22)) on it and select the option Set As Backdrop. If
you want rockbox to remember your backdrop the next time you start your player the
backdrop must be placed in the /.rockbox/backdrops directory.
11.2 Configuring the WPS
11.2.1 WPS – General Info
Description: The WPS or While Playing Screen is the name used to describe the infor-
mation displayed on the player’s screen whilst an audio track is being played. The
default WPS is a relatively simple screen displaying Track name, Artist, Album
etc. in the default font as a purely text based layout. There are a number of WPS
files included in Rockbox, and you can load one of these at anytime by selecting
it in General Settings → Display → Browse .wps files.
Note: “Playing” a .wps from the file browser has the same effect.
File Location: Custom WPS files may be located anywhere on the drive. The only
restriction is that they must end in .wps. When you “play” a .wps file, it will
be used for future WPS screens, and if the “played” .wps file is located in the
/.rockbox/wps directory, it will be remembered and used after reboot. The .wps
filename must be no more than 24 characters long for it to be remembered.
11.2.2 WPS – Build Your Own
Quite simply, enter the WPS code in your favourite text editor, Notepad on Windows
works fine. When you save it, instead of saving it as a .txt file, save it as a .wps
file. Example: Instead of Rockbox.txt, save the file as Rockbox.wps. To make sure non
english characters display correctly in your WPS you must save the .wps file with UTF-8
character encoding. This can be done in most editors, for example Notepad in Windows
2000 or XP (but not in 9x/ME) can do this. See appendix section B (page 142) for all
the tags that are available.
• All characters not preceded by % are displayed as typed.
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series