Chapter 10. Plugins 129
Key Action
Power Exit plugin
A Start / Stop
Select Tap tempo
Left / Right Adjust tempo
Up / Down Adjust volume
10.4.11 Random Folder Advance Configuration
This plugin is used to configure the folders which will be considered when the Auto-
Change Directory feature is set to Random.
Generate Folder List Generates a list of all folders found on the player. You can filter
the directories which are scanned by creating a file called
/.rockbox/folder advance dir.txt. Only the directories in this file and any
contained directories will be scanned. You can have up to 10 directories ignored
by the scan by placing a minus sign before them in the list (i.e. -/CDs will cause
everything in the /CDs directory to be ignored.). If you just want /CDs to be
ignored but want to include the folders within it you need to have both -/CDs and
CDs as entries.
Edit Folder List Enter the folder list editor
Export List To Textfile Exports the list to /.rockbox/folder advance list.txt
Import List From Textfile Imports the list from /.rockbox/folder advance list.txt
Folder List Editor Keys
Key Action
Select or Right Delete selected folder
Long Select Bring up the context menu which allows
you to remove the selected folder or it’s
entire folder tree
Left or Power Exit
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series