Chapter 10. Plugins 127
A Fullscreen clock is displayed. Show Border, if enabled, will draw a small box at every
hour position (1 through 12). Invert Seconds, if enabled, will invert the LCD as the
seconds pass. Second Hand, if enabled, will draw a second hand among the hour and
minute hands.
Binary mode
This mode shows a Binary clock. The hour is displayed on the top line, the minute
is displayed on the middle line, and the seconds are on the last line. Circle mode, if
enabled, draws empty and full circles, instead of zeros and ones. For help on reading
binary, please visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary numeral system
Plain mode
This mode shows a “plain” clock in large text that takes up nearly the whole LCD.
10.4.6 Disk Tidy
Disk Tidy deletes junk files left behind by Windows, Linux or OS X after a USB connec-
tion. Select the OS’s files you want to delete in the ’Files to Clean’ menu and select ’Start
Cleaning’ to begin to process. The settings are stored in .rockbox/rocks/apps/disktidy.config,
in a plain text file that is user-modifiable to allow more entries to be added.
Available Options
All selects all Linux, OS X, and Windows files.
None deselects all file options.
Linux selects Linux files. Default files are .dolphinview, .d3lphinview, and .Trash-*/.
Windows selects Windows files. Default files are Thumbs.db, RECYCLE.BIN, Desktop.ini,
/Recycled and /System Volume Information.
Mac selects OS X files. Default files are .
*, .DS Store and /.Trashes.
Other selects additional files added in by the user.
Key Action
Left or Power Exit / Abort
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series