Appendix C. Config file options 150
C Config file options
Setting Allowed Values Unit
volume dB
bass dB
treble dB
balance -100 to +100 %
channels stereo, mono, custom, mono left,
mono right, karaoke
stereo width 0 to 250 %
shuffle on, off N/A
repeat off, all, one, shuffle, ab N/A
play selected on, off N/A
party mode on, off N/A
scan min step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25,
30, 45, 60
seek acceleration very fast, fast, normal, slow, very
antiskip 5s, 15s, 30s, 1min, 2min, 3min,
5min, 10min
volume fade on, off N/A
sort case on, off N/A
show files all, supported, music, playlists N/A
show filename exts off, on, unknown, view all N/A
follow playlist on, off N/A
playlist viewer icons on, off N/A
playlist viewer indices on, off N/A
playlist viewer track display track name,full path N/A
recursive directory insert on, off, ask N/A
scroll speed 1 to 25 Hz
scroll delay 0 to 2500 ms
scroll step pixels
screen scroll step pixels
Screen Scrolls Out Of View on, off N/A
bidir limit 0 to 200 % screen
scroll paginated on, off N/A
hold lr for scroll in list on, off N/A
show path in browser off, current directory, full path N/A
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series