
Peripheral Functions
3.1.3 Dedicated Output Port G
Port G is a 16-bit wide output-only port. The output drivers have a Totem-Pole
configuration. The data driven by the output pin can be controlled by setting
or clearing the appropriate bit in the G port Data register, address 0x2C. This
is done using the OUT instruction, with the 0x2C address as an argument. Af-
ter RESET low, the default settings for the G port outputs are 0 (logical low).
Totem-Pole Output Port G
Data register address
Possible input data values N/A
Possible output data values 0 = Low 1 = High
Value after RESET low 0 = Low
The following table shows the bit locations of the port G address mapping:
G port Data
address 0x2C
read and write
(16-bit wide location)
14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
G15 G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0
0x0000 : default state of data register after RESET low